Saturday, June 18, 2011

Enjoying a week with Colleen and the boys

This week I am visiting with Colleen Dustin and my boys. On Friday the boys hung out with Grandma D while mom and dad were at work. We had a great time at the pool. Sorry I could not get a picture of Quinn I was holding him

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The ballerinas

Chloe was great!!! They all were!!

After recital party

After a wonderful ballet recital we all went for ice cream

Week end

Yesterday was a busy day finished the first batch of cheese and put it under the house to age. Now off to Chloe's ballet recital

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The cheese stands alone

Here is the cheese after it comes out of the press. It drys for 3 days then gets waxed, and goes in the cellar for aging

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Making cheddar cheese

Today it is raining again or should I say still???? I decided to make cheddar cheese. We have a root cellar that is the perfect temperature to age cheese. Steven made me a press I mail ordered the supplies and have spent the last 10 hours completing the steps. I will not know if I am successful for at least 3 months so I will let you know then.

Draining the curds

Pressing the curds 20lb of weight for 24 hours